D Day
We are heading towards that time again. About a year or so back I
posted a thread about the weather forecaster Irvin Krick and his
attempts to outmanouvre the Colonel Blimps in the US weather service.
As was his; my efforts to wake the intelligentsi on here fell on deaf
ears. After all that jackarse Eisenhouer thanked the bums for their
help in preparing for the invasion of Europe.
People tend to forget he also thanked the pilots who killed all those
paratroopers during the initial assault.
A letter from the presidunce isn't worth a damn is it?
I had got the impression that the Met Office (and thus the US weather
service too) had got a reasonable shot of the weather forecast for a
couple of days in advance by the early '40's -even though I couldn't
believe two day's notice was enough. It takes about that long to wind
up the knicker elastic on some boats, even nowadays.
It seems I was wrong:
“The meteorologist Bob Rice can remember a time-as recently as the
1970's- when the weatherman could do little more than predict the next
day's forecast “It took us so long to build a twenty-four-hour
forecast that we almost didn't have time to do a forty-eight-hour
forecast” he remembers. “By the time we got to the seventy-two-hour
forecast we might just as well have been throwing darts at a board.”
Richards Branson in his book: “Reach for the skies”. (A rattling good
read by the way -even though the title should have been: “Reaching the
Of course I can't make anyone who wishes to believe pigs can fly see
reason. Perhaps that is just as well; there are far too many
busybodies on this planet using guns to make people do what they think
is right without me shouting at them from the side.
But how the hell the MetOffice -even with the combination of help from
the yanks, could mobilise thousands of men, let alone get steam up in
the greatest armada of ships the world has ever known with less than
24 hours notice... I'm going to shut up now.
The hell with that.
How long did it take to secrete all those boats into the Channel from
wherever the kingdom they came from. Whistled them in from somewhere
Scilly did they?
With a racing start?