The 5 Day forecast wonders.
On May 31, 9:34*am, Graham Easterling wrote:
If you want a good laugh, then don't miss the 5 day forecasts.
So at 09:00 for Penzance today, the maximum temperature range will be between 12C & 19C. Now that's what I call useful. With the full might of several super computers we can be informed that today's maximum will either be:-
The 3rd coldest of May (only 14th & 16th failed to exceed 12C this month)
The highest max of the month.
Well that should help the holidaymakers plan the day!
For what it's worth it's currently (09:30) near 15C, which makes a max of 12C improbable.
Oh, tomorrow, the most likely Max is 13C (with virtually unbroken sunshine)The range 11-17C. My lowest ever June max is 13.0C on 12th June 1993. So tomorrow is most likely to equal my lowest ever June max despite prolonged sunshine & light/moderate offshore winds.
OK it's computer output, bloody stupid computer.
This means that another volcanic eruption is about due:
The chief meteorologist on duty at the time is responsible for
choosing one of them or an amalgamation of some of them. He uses
experience AKA weatherlore to second guess things and picks the luck
ticket every time, unless there is a major earthquake. Then he usually
goes with the wrong one.
This is usually the first indication the man in the steet has that a
large rupture is going to occur. No astronomical input and no seismic
or volcanic information is used in creating weather models.
When that does happen, charts will get a lot more accurate and
incorporate earthquake and volcano warnings.
Since the conditions for tornadoes and such like events e.g. tropical
storms, show up on the Atlantic chart as blocking highs, or cyclones
on the Mid Atlantic Ridge, the weathermen can usually make allowances
for them.
I say volcano because I see no indication that it is going to be an
mere earthquake.
Not that there isn't a volcano on the boil somewhere or other nearly
all the time.