WR Sleet (OT ish)
On Wednesday, June 5, 2013 11:58:00 PM UTC+1, Lawrence13 wrote:
On Wednesday, 5 June 2013 23:46:15 UTC+1, David Mitchell wrote:
Last Wednesday, but I was in the Millevaches in Limousin at 900 m.The locals were saying (if I understood them correctly)that it was the worst May ever and whilst there I have to say that it was worse than it was back in blighty.
I have not been able to find any decent weather records in France, other than Philip Eden's, so if anyone can point me in the right direction, thanks in advance.
And if anyone would like to rediscover a way of life that disappeared here long ago, then go and visit, whilst still getting a decent mobile signal wherever you are.
David Mitchell. La Langtoft. Le East Riding of Yorkshire.
AGW works in mysterious ways
Just seen this. Nutcases like larry actually believe that this cold weather in France actually means something in terms of AGW. They do, it's amazing, I know, but they really do and that's the level of ignorance that an awful lot of Daily Mail and Daily Express readers operate from on daily basis in their lives.
If he tries to say it is a joke - and he will, bacause it's his only and default method for squirming away from the ignorance he posts about climate change - you know not to believe him, because he can't resist it every single time he reads about it being cold somewhere.
Utterly bonkers.