On Thursday, 13 June 2013 13:24:31 UTC+1, Desperate Dan wrote:
On Sunday, May 26, 2013 6:59:00 PM UTC+1, Joe Egginton wrote:
On 26/05/2013 15:54, Desperate Dan wrote:
On Sunday, May 26, 2013 10:33:16 AM UTC+1, Joe Egginton wrote:
On 26/05/2013 08:17, Bob Martin wrote:
in 379859 20130525 111001 "Col" wrote:
Joe Egginton wrote:
You've guesssed - RACIST!
Not necessarily racist but if you genuinely want to live in
a town with no 'foreigners' then you're certainly Xenophobic.
I spent my working life with a large multi-national and soon found I had far more
in common with French, German, Spanish etc colleagues than with my (English)
Mind you, Americans were a different matter!
I have nothing against foreigners. We are all the same - Human. When I
said I feel like I don't live in my own country anymore, it's because
quite often when on the bus, or around the city I don�t hear English
being spoken. A common language is important for social cohesion, in
making us feel we are one. As for the Americans they aren't that bad
once you get used to them. ;-)
You're a strange lot you English. You look down on everyone who isn't English and hate the Germans. An anti immigration view is endemic and now you have the nutters in UKIP as well as the Conservative party to voice your narrow opinions. If you don't want immigrants in the UK (I presume your country is the UK or is it just England?),then I presume you would stop emigration to other countries. After all, if you don't want them here then why should they have you in their country? Truthfully, you don't actually like one another, with those north of Watford being definite second class citizens. You continually hark back to Victorian times, The Empire and all the vile imperialism that went with it. Sad!
I'm afraid to say Dan, that you've been listening and believing to many
left wing teachers. The British Empire was largely a force for good.
For a century, from 1815 to 1914 there was largely peace in Europe and
the world, through Pax Britannica. It was possible to travel the globe
and visit all continents using just one currency, speaking one language
and all without worry of molestation.
The countries we ruled, we ruled fairly. It did not try to extinguish
the cultures of other nations. Where native religions were opposed to
even simple moral behaviour, we introduced Christianity in order to
right the wrongs of primitive religions and allow these peoples to flower.
The fact that Britain was not interested in changing the cultures and
religions of the peoples it conquered can be seen most clearly in India..
Britain in the 19th century can be considered the educator of the world
- not a corner or a people did not benefit from the glow of western
civilisation and Anglo Saxon culture.
We opposed the slave trade in the 19th century and spread, fair
government, roads, railways, trade, and education.
I don't suppose you're interested in this but some may be.
More absolute left wing bull****
My mother grew up in Dulwich SE London up to and during the world war II
she was actually served sweets by Lord Haw Haw AKA William Joyce when his family lived in Dulwich. During the war my mother still tells me that Italian prisoners of war were allowed to walk freely up and down Lordship lane. Such utter barbarity the British have much to be ashamed of.
I remember years ago when I first dallied with the left and oh how they painted such a self hateful picture of their own country. So tell me you are in Poland during WWII and was being invaded by an occupying army who would you have preferred in wartime. The Germans, the Russians maybe the Japanese?
People talk such drivel.