Another typical summers' day in the SW
On 2013-06-16 11:52:29 +0000, Keith (Southend)G said:
On Sunday, 16 June 2013 12:37:36 UTC+1, yttiw wrote:
Middle of June. Temperature 11C. Dull with steady rain. Nothing new again.
If this is global warming, I dont want to be here when the Ice Age starts.
I was just thinking this morning how cruel the summers have been the
past few years in the UK, bearing in mind many can no longer afford the
joys of a Mediterranean beach holiday anymore. Again, another BBQ
yesterday evening and have never felt so cold since the last one a week
earlier. Maybe it's waitng until the schools break up :-)
Oh well, the evenings start drawing in in six days time !!!
I know, that thought is somewhat depressing.
If I had left our central heating on the winter setting, I am sure that
the thermostat would have switched it on this morning. But I will
resist the pressure to use more gas than is absolutely necessary,
despite the wife's constant mumblings of how cold she is.