On 17/06/2013 16:55, The triumphant return of Jim Cannon wrote:
I am only posting this as it completes my side of contractual obligations. It also marks the fulfilling of Piers prophesy made many years ago that UKMO would be found out for their lies and begin to dance to his tune. HIS revolutionary method of forecasting.
To John Hirst, Chief Executive
The Met Office, FitzRoy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB
Dear Chief Executive
Met Office 'Summit' Tue 18 June on Unusual UK weather
Further to Press announcements** on this important meeting I am writing to request you invite me and up to two or so associates from WeatherAction long range weather & climate forecasters to contribute at this event in order to answer the vital questions on the reasons for these extreme economically damaging weather situations and to reliably predict them in coming years and decades.
A Met Office spokesman said concerning this meeting: "We have seen a run of unusual seasons in the UK and northern Europe, such as the cold winter of 2010, last year's wet weather and the cold spring this year."
You may be aware that we at WeatherAction specifically long-range predicted these and all the extreme wet Summers and extreme cold (parts of) Winters since 2007 whereas standard approaches generally gave forecasts which were the opposite [eg BBQ summers which turned out as very floody and 'The end of snow in winter' by the end of last decade whereas a run of snowy winters occurred].
I would explain in a short presentation:
1. The reasons for these unusual weather situations
2. Give a general forecast for UK (and N Hemisphere) climate and more detailed weather event trends for the coming 25 to 30 years.
3. Explain how The Met Office could help develop more detail in such Long Range forecasting and assist in producing reliable long range forecasts for most countries in the world.
4. Give some specific forecasts of extreme, damaging, costly events/situations coming later this year.
5. Explain how Met Office and WeatherAction co-operating could develop 10 day ahead forecasts of the reliability and skill of present Met Office one day ahead forecasts.
If you think this can help serve the stated purpose of the meeting and the Met Office Charter please get in touch.
Thank you
Piers Corbyn
I hope you really did have his permission to publish this or you could
find yourself in serious trouble. There is not much point in listening
to his ravings since his predictions are along the lines of the fortune
tellers famous prediction "it will rain or go dark before morning".
Actually TBH I reckon fortune tellers or tea leaf readers would at least
equal the accuracy of Weather Action's long range forecasts.
If he seals his predictions in an envelope and deposits them with a
trusted third party we can see how many of them come true! (not many)
Where did they get loose Cannon from as a
PR stunt man?
Still it is well up to the low standard of his website.
Martin Brown