On 25/06/2013 09:11, Hugh Newbury wrote:
The Environmental Investigation Agency is warning of a possible disaster
if China bans trading of climate credits for the incineration of HFC-23,
thus making it no longer financially viable to destroy the gas, which is
15,000 times more damaging to the climate than CO2.
I don't want to start a war here, but what do people who know about such
things think of this.
It isn't really news. This carbon credits scam was identified 5 years
ago and now industry is kicking back against attempts to prevent abuse.
They were making more money by making the impurity and trading credits
than by selling the end product refridgerant. Utter policy madness!
See for example:
(not sure if there is a paywall in the way) Google "HFC 23 CDM UNFCCC"
and you should get a direct link and maybe a cached copy.
Martin Brown
Third time lucky? Apologies if this is an apparent repeat.