On Saturday, 29 June 2013 19:31:39 UTC+1, Graham Easterling wrote:
Neil Young and Lenny Cohen were excellent when they performed and I'd call their music a bit more than 'ppo'.
pop even
You're just 'avin' a pop Tudor.
The great thing about Glastonbury is that there's a huge range of music, to suit just about all tastes. Also, the Festival seems to being out the best performances.
Neil Young was great, certainly not a has been, as were Madness and Mumford & Sons, all different eras & musical types. It's the lesser known ones that can spring a real surprise. I'm a fan of a local band who I think are brilliant & are perforning at Glastonbury for the 2nd time ( http://www.3daftmonkeys.co.uk/ sort of music hall meets folk rock, I don't expect it to be televised ) just a couple of years ago they were playing for free in The Lifeboat - St. Ives & you could tell they had future.
One of my great musical letdowns was getting to Cardiff to see the Stones only to find the gig was cancelled as Keef had cut his finger. I'll be recording them tonight, as they must near an end now.
Graham. Have you ever watched 'Stella Street', I'm sure most of you have but here's a taste,