In message ,
Tudor Hughes writes
Yes they were. :-) Being ****ed at parties with wall-to-wall crumpet.
But why do you get sixty-somethings who are still besotted by The
Beatles? Pathetic!
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
I'm a sixty-something and still like the Beatles but I'm not besotted by
any means; but for their time and genre, essentially pop, they were the
best. Taken in context their music remains as good today as it ever was.
At least that's what I think but what do I know ? After all I like the
Arctic Monkeys, Muse even Portishead. I'm also looking forward to our
annual festival of Manx and other Celt music
It's all subjective, each to their own.
Wouldn't mind going back to being ****ed at parties with wall to wall
crumpet though. Only snag I certainly got ****ed at a few parties but
always seemed to miss out on the parties with wall to wall crumpet !