Upcoming Heatwave
In article 2013070509523867154-cuddles@britpostcom,
yttiw writes:
I wonder if we should have a sweepstake. As the GFS predicts
virtually (I did say virtually) no rain in the south of the UK until at
least the 21st of this month, maybe we should bet on how many
days elapse before certain water companies begin murmuring
about restrictions on supply, and the banning of hosepipes?
At least Thames Water finally seem to have managed to fix the leak that
was causing a small stream to run down the pavement outside my front
gate. I think that was at their fourth attempt since I first reported it
last autumn.
John Hall
"Sir, I have found you an argument;
but I am not obliged to find you an understanding."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)