In article ,
Jim Cannon writes:
On Tuesday, April 9, 2013 11:55:07 AM UTC+1, Jim Cannon wrote:
It is striking to note how the weather behaves following the
deaths of former British prime ministers.
The summer following the death of 'Sunny' Jim Callaghan on
March 26, 2005, was fairly decent. His death was closely followed
by my personal favourite PM Ted Heath, who died on July 17 the
same year, at the end of a heatwave.
The deaths of Harold Wilson on May 24, 1995, and Alec Douglas-
Home on October 9, 1995, sandwiched an absolutely stunning
summer - one of the best I can remember and one that is often
strangely overlooked.
The death of Harold MacMillan on December 29, 1996, was
followed by a decent summer, with a notably hot August.
The one exception was the death of Anthony Eden on January
14, 1997, which was followed by a mostly cool and dull summer
So, perhaps Maggie could yet do some good?
This theory was posted about THREE months ago and is now
coming to fruition - in line with our long range forecast.
Another VICTORY for us - but this time it was my theory NOT Piers.
So I think I deserve my Romeo y Julieta half corona now - not
some crappy Hamlet.
In a similar vein, since England cricket tours of Australia often
coincide with severe winters (off the top of my head 1894-5, 1928-9,
1946-7, 1954-5, 1962-3, 1978-9, 2010-11), I predict that 2013-4 will be
John Hall
"Sir, I have found you an argument;
but I am not obliged to find you an understanding."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)