Endless fascination for hottest day of the year and the temperaturein central London...
I know that this may seem strange coming from the bloke that was waxing lyrical about temperatures in Devon the other day but I'm twisted...
Don't the BBC presenters ever tire of looking for the next hottest day of the year (which if course will occur either in LONDON or the SE) or telling us how the temperature in Central LONDON will be no lower than 25C at midnight.
Yes, its a brilliantly sunny and very warm (locally hot must get that in) dry spell but they do in my opinion go overboard when they start saying "Maximum temperatures of 26 or 27 with some places getting to 28 or 29 and I shouldn't be surprised if somewhere in the LONDON area doesn't see 32 or 33C"
What's this obsession and endless fascination weather presenters have with numbers and temperatures that I bet many tourists from warmer climes find absolutely hilarious as I do.
Yes tomorrow will be another very warm day even hot for some in LONDON but forget the numbers, Joe Public can't tell the difference between 29 or 30C to them its just bloody hot!