[OBS] Chalfont St Giles - Mon 10th Jan 2005
Chalfont St Giles - Monday 10th January 2005
0615z SW F5 15km 2Sc015 8Sc020 12.2/08.8 1012
RMK: Min (2100-0600): 12.1 at 2230z. Rain (2100-0600): Nil
1500z WSW F2-3 20km RERA 3Sc025 4Ac080 6As120 09.6/08.3
RMK: Surface cold front appears to have gone through at about 1245z.
Rain (0900-2100): 2.5mm (most of it behind the surface
1800z SW F2 15km 2Sc 8As 08.8/07.9 1016
RMK: No rain since about 1430z but the mid-level overcast shows no
sign of clearing.
2100z SW F1 8km BR 2Sc 8AsCs 07.8/07.1 1018
RMK: Cloud is a bit of a guess but there are no stars visible.
Max (0900-2100): 11.4 at 0900z
Rain (0900-2100): 2.5mm (all before 1500z)
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Norman Lynagh Weather Consultancy
Chalfont St Giles 85m a.s.l.