Hampton Water Works
On 21/07/2013 08:41, Andy Page wrote:
"Phil Layton" wrote in message
Just curious that Ive not heard of this location before for
temperature extremes.
Met O "The UK and England maximum for 2013 remains the 32.2 C recorded
at Hampton Water Works, southwest London on Wednesday 17 July. Issued
at 2337 on Fri 19 Jul 2013"
I know there are synops stations reporting into Exeter which are not
on the GTS bulletins (ie Wisley near me), but I just wondered if all
the remotes are now included in the extremes.
Hi Phil.
There is an ongoing programme to automate a number of the climat
stations, which appear as 99xxx station numbers, and assuming that the
latest site inspection was okay, then it will appear in the list of
Thanks Andy. Do you know if there a list of up to date climat stations
that is available on the web?