[OBS] Romsey - Monday 22nd July 2013
As rapidly as the clouds developed, they've decayed / moved
off the scene. Dense cirrus is currently crowding the sky.
Last thunder heard at 1800Z on the dot. Rain 1808-1810Z.
The storm caused no impact on the visibility.
The few spots of rain that did eventually make it to the ground
only served to ratchet up the humidity still further, although the
dry bulb temp is falling.
SYNOP 22/1750Z
03/// 31865 61605 10254 20170 40139 53001 71711 85082
333 10292 83357 84360=
SYNOP 22/1850Z (current ob)
03/// 41965 71802 10233 20171 40145 53009 72962 83082
333 81358 85075=
EG// 221850Z 18002KT CAVOK 23/17 Q//// RETS BLU=
wind... S, force 1.
visibility... 15km.
weather... cloudy with recent thunderstorm.
clouds... 1/8 Ac cas 8000ft, 2/8 Ac cas 12000ft,
2/8 Ac 17000ft, 5/8 Ci spi 25000ft.
dry bulb... +23.3C.
dew point... +17.1C.
RH... 68%.
sea level pressure... 1014.5mb (rising).
rainfall last hour... trace.
beaufort letters (1650-1750Z)... bcy,ctloy,ctl.
beaufort letters (1750-1850Z)... ctl,ctlo,cro,c.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl