In article ,
jbm writes:
Pitsford School Weather Station, situated 3 miles from here, has
the following reading on its web page.
Rain today: 428.78 mm [Copied and pasted so there's no mistake.]
Impressive if they can measure it to the nearest 100th of a millimetre.

It equates to almost double the UK record for a day's rainfall, so it
seems unlikely to be right. Maybe one of the pupils got creative with a
watering cam.

My back garden had 9mm.
One of us has to be wrong.
jim, Northampton
Thunderstorms can give very localised heavy rain, so I wouldn't rule it
out on those grounds, but just on the sheer size of the Pitsford School
John Hall
"Sir, I have found you an argument;
but I am not obliged to find you an understanding."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)