In on Thu, 11 Sep 2003 at 20:36:29, Will wrote :
Summary valid for Sunday 14/09/03 to Saturday 19/09/03
TOI (time of issue) Thursday 11/09/03 2030 UK local time This summary is based
on a quick appraisal of the GFS, JMA, ECMWF, UKMO, FAX, and ENS (NCEP ensemble)
labelled charts available from the superb
The first few days of next week look like remaining fine and very warm over most
of England and Wales as high pressure again becomes established.
An Indian summer, you mean? How warm are we expecting - any chance of
boosting my 25.7C September record?
northern England, Scotland and northern Ireland will be more changeable with
rain at times. Windy too in the NW with gales associated with depressions near
Iceland, but temperatures remaining above average in west to southwest winds.
Midweek onwards, western and northern UK will see rain edging slowly east and
turning heavy. The east and especially the SE could stay dry till the end of the
week, but next weekend there is a good chance of heavy rain spreading to all
areas, heralding a major change in the weather. Confidence high till midweek
then becomes low.
You can rely on Highs to do what they are expected to do, but not Lows,
in other words.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham, England