The Grapes of the Co-Op
Blimey hoping that rain is on the way, it's like the USA Dust Bowl years here in Sydenham. It's been so hot, that the fat on the Doner Kebabs can't congeal to keep the big lump of bits of supposed meat in one piece on the spit!!!!
Mind you the Doner kebabs in this neck of the woods are so bad for your cardiovascular system they've been renamed 'Heart Donor Kebabs'.
It's so hot here in Sydenham that people are reporting fake hate crimes (police don't bother with any other kind now) just to get the helicopters to gives them a cool down draught.
So hot that two high street adjacent pound shops plastic wares on the pavement melted into each other causing an argument over what belonged to whom.
No. Bring on that cooler weather before we get another bloody Steinback thrust upon us for dozens of decades