Problem with AWS
On Thu, 01 Aug 2013 08:35:01 +0100, Hugh Newbury
My AWS (Davis Vantage Pro 2) has stopped reporting temperature and
humidity. I've changed the battery with no change in the readings. I've
tried reconnecting the wireless connection with equally no change.
Hi Hugh
Similar happened to me a couple or three years ago and I researched
the issue with Prodata. I had to get a new part but i did get first
class attention to detail from John Dann.
I think it was the humidity reading that failed, but to be honest it
is a while ago.
And come to think of it, I did have an on/off situation - rather like
you. As you have indicated, if it goes off again, you can break open
the screwdrivers and sort it!
By the way, the CR123 battery can be replaced whilst you are at it. I
got two for £2.73 off Amazon.
ps: 2/3 beefy showers this morning so far