Potential for storms in the SE
Lawrence13 wrote:
On Friday, 2 August 2013 06:58:15 UTC+1, Graham P Davis wrote:
On Thu, 1 Aug 2013 15:59:22 -0700 (PDT) Tudor Hughes wrote: On Thursday, 1 August 2013 21:51:20 UTC+1, Joe Egginton wrote: On 01/08/2013 21:41, Keith (Southend)G wrote: They seem to be playing this down, but with such a hot and humid air mass being over-ridden by cooler air off the Atlantic (cold front) tomorrow, there must be plenty of head scratching going on atm in the office! Keith (Southend) That what I thought Keith. I can't see how thunderstorms can't happen tomorrow. Joe Wolverhampton. Thunderstorms can *always* not happen. Despite what the soundings may tell you it always needs a trigger. Looks like they've been triggered. ;-) -- Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks. 'To do is to be' - Nietzsche 'To be is to do' - Kant 'Do be do be do' - Sinatra
Yes read Keiths and Joe's posts around midnight, checked with the wonderful UKLMO sofware for Bromley (yes got it back again) and on there was not one teenie weenie dicky bird about rain and storms. However I awoke at 7:30 in the said area of Bromley to thunder rumbling and rain a falling.
Never mind.
Well forecast Keith and Joe.
Yep one early here, then a cracker at 9.30am depositing 9mm in 5 mins.
Well done Keith outforecast the Met office on this one who did say
showers but no real mention of storms.