[WR] S.Essex, fast moving storm cells
Stephen Davenport wrote:
On Friday, August 2, 2013 10:14:38 AM UTC+1, Scott W wrote:
Just 3.3mm to 10am - disappointing given radar warnings of 60mm/hr intensity. Gives further weight against that story that radar can give a better idea than raingauge data
Not really. Any 60mm/hr intensity might easily just miss your gauge; or a shower with an intensity of 60mm/hr would give only 3.3mm if it passed by in 3 minutes and 20 seconds!
Radar is not always a perfect guide but most of the time it's good.
Yes it is most of the time. The resolution isn't quite there to always
spot the gaps in showers but I find magnified versions in Meteox etc.
extremely accurate, especially with the timing. It was spot on here
today and in fact the cell has stalled now so I would expect places to
my North and East to be getting a bit of a deluge.I suppose it has the
odd bad day with the wrong type of rain!