exmetman wrote:
I've just put together tables for estimated snowfall using a combination of CET and UKP data for Central England since 1931. I have compiled the top 30's for both the snowiest day and the snowiest winter which I've estimated from the underlying data using a simple probability method. I have also added charts for the snowiest winters, autumns, springs and years along with the usual moving averages and trends since 1931.
This is a bit of fun because what I'm talking about are virtual snowfall values derived from data from a composite of sites measuring both rainfall and temperature. Having said that I think it picks out the snowy years quite well but I'm sure you'll have your opinion about the results.
As usual and because of the limitations of newsgroups the report and graphics are on my blog which you can find in the usual place:
Quick glance makes me think there may be some correlation with reality.
My work here is for real events taken from original data by Leo Bonacina
and augmented by Dave O'Hara at Ferry Hill Weather Station.
I will look more closely when I have time.