In article ,
Joe Egginton writes:
Do any you remember?
Philip Eden
Martin Rowley
Mike Tullett
Will Hand
Jack Harrison
Joe Hunt
John Hall
I remember him quite well.
Trevor Appleton
George Booth
This was a great ng, years ago.
Where are they now?
I still post from time to time, as I think do Martin and George. We know
why Will largely stopped posting, because he told us, and can make a
fair guess about why Philip stopped. And, of course, very sadly we know
why Mike stopped.
We had our distractors like nguk, redtube, and who could forget
matt the ego.
I'd like to see this ng become more courteous and professional again.
Sadly, it's unlikely to happen. But there's still plenty of good stuff
being posted if you skip the interminable AGW wrangles.
John Hall
"Sir, I have found you an argument;
but I am not obliged to find you an understanding."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)