On Sunday, 18 August 2013 19:18:41 UTC+1, Graham P Davis wrote:
On Sun, 18 Aug 2013 09:55:27 -0700 (PDT)
exmetman wrote:
I've just been having a look at the Arctic SYNOP reports for 1200 UTC
today and thought that they looked rather cold for this time of year
– even up there. Have a look on my blog at the two climate charts for
Cape Morris Jessup (04301) at the top of Greenland at around 83° N,
one from last year and the other for this year.
Other sites like Eureka (71917) at around 79°N are also sub-zero in
stark contrast to last year. It’s probably late summer 2012 was so
warm in the Arctic last year although I do think Winter has returned
a little early to these parts. I do have some scattered pieces of
temperature climatology for Cape Morris Jessup from the CRUTEM4 data
set to compare with.
I haven’t heard much mention about the thinning and disappearance of
the sea ice recently and unfortunately don’t have the time to check
and see if this isn't the record year at lot of people were expecting.
Images on my blog: https://xmetman.wordpress.com
I don't recollect anyone expecting a record low for Arctic ice this
year but I could be wrong. This year ranks as one of the heavier ice
years compared to the previous half-dozen but is still lighter than
earlier years.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks.
'To do is to be' - Nietzsche
'To be is to do' - Kant
'Do be do be do' - Sinatra
Really ? How odd all those prophecies that numerous AGW protagonists have made, with many being news grabbing predictions of an 'Ice Free 'arctic.. Yet here you are scratching your head like a dazed Alzheimer's sufferer..
It really is pathetic how apparently intelligent humans have fallen for this politically driven trash. Many here on this NG are also dishonest by nakiing out this is all now a surprise.