UKSW or Net Weather?
On Mon, 19 Aug 2013 13:02:13 +0100
Joe Egginton wrote:
On 19/08/2013 12:58, George Booth wrote:
On 19/08/2013 12:20, Dave Cornwell wrote:
exmetman wrote:
You have a point but its great to be able to embed images with
your post rather than point people at a URL.
Maybe everyone who doesn't like UKSW leaves and then it will be
back as it was!
Exactly. In the meantime with a decent newsreader killfile is my
friend. But wait, there are only 2 regulars in there.
Will Hand as joined UKWW, and I think I will soon. Dullish's poison
has nearly killed this ng. :-(
He is not killing the group; I'm sorry to say that it's those who
are leaving the group instead of kill-filing him that are responsible.
I rarely, if ever, see Dawlish's posts these days so, in effect, he and
his 'poison' just don't exist. Why, in that case, would I want to run
away from here with my tail between my legs?
I do follow a few forums, but only when there is no alternative. Most
of them are quite inferior to NNTP; the rest are very inferior. With
one piece of software, I can see on a single screen the state of all my
mail, RSS feeds and over thirty newsgroups. I can set it to
automatically update and highlight groups that have new posts. Could
someone like to explain how I would be able to manage that with forums?
As I said, I have reluctantly joined a few forums but get fed up with
the way they have different user-interfaces which often fail to do many
of the things I can do with a newsreader. Many times I've had to figure
out which way to achieve something an a particular forum, only to
finally realise that it's not possible on that one.
Please, people, don't run away.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks.
'To do is to be' - Nietzsche
'To be is to do' - Kant
'Do be do be do' - Sinatra