UKSW or Net Weather?
On Monday, August 19, 2013 6:40:06 PM UTC+1, Dave Cornwell wrote:
Phil Layton wrote:
On 19/08/2013 15:02, Graham P Davis wrote:
He is not killing the group; I'm sorry to say that it's those who
are leaving the group instead of kill-filing him that are responsible.
I rarely, if ever, see Dawlish's posts these days so, in effect, he and
his 'poison' just don't exist. Why, in that case, would I want to run
away from here with my tail between my legs?
I do follow a few forums, but only when there is no alternative. Most
of them are quite inferior to NNTP; the rest are very inferior. With
one piece of software, I can see on a single screen the state of all my
mail, RSS feeds and over thirty newsgroups. I can set it to
automatically update and highlight groups that have new posts. Could
someone like to explain how I would be able to manage that with forums?
As I said, I have reluctantly joined a few forums but get fed up with
the way they have different user-interfaces which often fail to do many
of the things I can do with a newsreader. Many times I've had to figure
out which way to achieve something an a particular forum, only to
finally realise that it's not possible on that one.
Please, people, don't run away.
Sorry Graham, I have tried the kill file method but it clearly doesn't
work as others who you have not kill filed just post their original
posts.. then you think you may as well kill fill most of the posters and
thats the time to leave.
I am seriously thinking of moving to UKWW too.
Well I had a quick look but was disappointed to see people denegrating
UKSW on there. This has been an excellent place for many people for many
years and frankly it has been a lot better the last six months than the
previous year. It' certainly less "cliquy" than it was. It will slip
back to its old ways with the usual passing idiots and the resident
cantakerous old ones but it doesn't bother me that much.
I agree with Dave's analysis. The venting of spleens is usual and normal on newsgroups (and forums). It has happened many times before and will continue to do so in the future. If you wish a narrow church, with an awful lot more idiots than you will find on here ("idiots" are in the eye of the beholder, of course) then moderated forums are for you.
I'd rather have free speech and comment on other people's posts, or ignore them, as I choose.