Col wrote:
exmetman wrote:
There has been quite a bit of talk about the future of UKSW and the
state it's currently in.
As you know for the last 18 months or so I've been promoting a blog
( that I've built, as well as publicise
my Central England Temperature web site
( Its not easy on both
scores to interest people in weather and climate when there are so
many sites across the internet trying to do the same thing, but I
have been heartened over the last couple of weeks since starting to
post to the Net Weather forum that finally (after a lot of hard work)
my blog is starting to pick up some interest.
Does anybody post to Net Weather & The Weather Outlook,
how do they compare?
I post to TWO and it's a lot busier than here and there are several
local contributers with which I can compare readings/observations,
sadly unlike USW.
However it's pretty tightly moderated and most threads are 'standard'
e.g. the model output discussion thread and current conditions.
I can understand this to an extent as it has much higher traffic than here
and if it was a free for all would soon become a sprawling mess.
That said the moderators can be over-zealous in their never-ending
battle to keep things on-topic, I've even seen people told off for
posting that it was snowing in their location in the snow *potential* thread

I managed to get an entire thread removed just for mentioning the
name 'Piers Corbyn'. I didn't get a full explanation from the moderators
but from what I can gather there have been some issues with Corbyn
regarding him being mentioned there.
Now censorship like that is a complete anathema to me but I've been
posting to unmoderated for 15 years but moderated
TWO only since January and I'm not yet fully used to the ways of
such a forum.
I've just realised that seems like I'm having a bit of a go at TWO
but I'm not really, it's just that moving to a moderated forum is
something of a culture shock after a decade and a half of unmoderated
I remember the days when Will used to have spats with Brian Gaze TWO
owner on here. I have to say I read it quite a bit and think some
aspects are good and it seems to have a much younger vibrant following.
But this youth also leads to some inappropriate behaiour as well
including moderators, as you say, who seem to ban people on the grounds
they don't agree with what they are saying, especially if they hint at
warm weather coming in a cold spell!
As for here, most of the noise comes from two main sources as far as I
can make out. That associated with the dislike of Dawlish, his arguments
and those who bait him and then moan about his responses to their
baiting. The other is the endless arguments about the extent and causes
of anything to do with AGW, which of course is a microcosm of the world
at large ;-)