On Tuesday, 20 August 2013 10:15:51 UTC+1, Graham P Davis wrote:
Here's the latest report from NSIDC, "the balding Arctic", which may
answer a few of your questions.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks.
'To do is to be' - Nietzsche
'To be is to do' - Kant
'Do be do be do' - Sinatra
The whole thing is a joke and the dominant AGW's are trying every which way to explain their way out of their dismally wrong predictions.
Record level Antarctic Ice
Record Cold Arctic Summer
Global temperatures stagnant and arguably drifting down
That lucky Old Sun rolling around heaven all day has now taken a cosmic mug of Horlicks and gone to bed for forty winks where magnetic and sunspot activity is concerned, and yet the AGW people tell us that although the record low Hurricane and USA Tornado season and all the aforementioned facts laid before you are indisputable yet somehow this is all explainable in the world of AGW zealots; is totally implausible.
If these so-called experts were so bloody good then why didn't they predict the reality compared to their dismal predictions? It's an arrogance beyond words: like UKMO meeting several months ago after failing to get one AGW LRF correct in the last ten years then boldly telling the public that 'AH yes' they can explain why we haven't been getting those BBQ Summers they have been predicting seemingly forever. You see its all down to ice melt -so much in fact with AGW that now our summers will be dominated by cool wet condition=s and not the BBQ ones they'd been so convinced about for the past ten years . But again reality bites these blustering over paid idiots straight in the arse and we then proceed to have the 3rd warmest sunniest July in the UK.
Are you really taking this garbage seriously?