[OBS] Romsey - Saturday 7th September 2013
A fair morning. We've managed to avoid the showers until a
moderate to heavy one dispensed 1.9mm in a 5 minute burst
ending at 1305Z. This was very localised but we caught the
middle of it, dropping the air temperature by 3 degrees from
which it has never recovered.
Now we seem to be on the southern edge of a larger, more
potent beast chucking out lightning while the sun attempts
to pop out from the overhanging cloud. Thunder was first
audible at 1418Z well away to the west. The storm is now
centred about 4 miles to our WNW and moving at a crawl.
A prolonged, slight rain shower 1400-1432Z.
SYNOP 07/1450Z (current ob)
03/// 41457 52005 10146 20079 40153 52007 71781 85900
333 81818 83925=
EG// 071450Z 20005KT 7000 TS FEW018 SCT025CB
SCT035TCU 15/08 Q//// WHT=
wind... SSW, force 2, steadily backing from SW.
visibilty ... 7km, but 40km away from W-NW.
weather... partly cloudy with thunderstorm and no rain.
clouds... 1/8 Cu fra 1800ft, 3/8 Cb 2500ft, 3/8 Cu 3500ft.
dry bulb... +14.6C.
dew point... +7.9C.
RH... 64%.
sea level pressure... 1015.3hPa (rising slowly).
rainfall last hour... 0.2mm.
6 hour rainfall (1350-1450Z)... 2.1mm.
beaufort letters (1350-1450Z)... bcjp,cpro,bcpro,bctloro,
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl