Expectations for the 2nd half of January
Good evening all.
I'm sure many in this newsgroup aren't feeling too comfortable seeing the
tendency towards the development of an anticyclone to the south of the UK
and the forecasted movement of it westwards -let alone the chance of it to
ridge north towards Scandinavia. It's sad to see that eastern Greece and the
UK -with the exception maybe of western and northern Scotland- can't party
at the same time when it comes to wintry weather; it is exactly this pattern
that is forecast to push colder air masses find their way south towards
Greece, along the anticyclone's eastern banks. The second half of January
seems to have a fair chance to end up being characterised as a cold spell
for this part of Europe. Whether we'll receive snow or just the odd
rainy/wintry showers in this part of Greece remains yet to be determined and
depends on the exact position of the anticyclone and the position of the low
over the Aegean after this weekend's cyclogenesis.
A research conducted recently is showing that Greece and the eastern
Mediterranean in general have started cooling down during the last years.
Could that be a result of the tele-connection phenomenon, ie maybe
anticyclones that bring mild SWlies to the UK tend to form over western
Europe more regularly nowadays than they previously did? I heard the
research is going shortly being published so I'll read more details soon
Yannis, SE Athens - farewell the the halcyon days that are soon coming to an
+8.6C, RH 79%, SLP 1027.7 hPa