Len, I wrote off winter last February, but we will always have to put
up with severe winter forecasts from parts of the private sector for
years to come. Why global warming has knackered our winters so badly I
still do not fully understand - see my thread UK Winters; where I am
trying to seek help.
We've had to turn the heating down at work in the last few days,
Mean here is 6.6c, which is 3.6c above my 1971-2000 average and 1.2c
above my warmest January on record (1960-2004).
No air frost yet after 11 days, lowest 1.6c and maximum temps have hit
double figures on more than half of them.
I'm even more worried about February after the last 8!!
Maybe we are heading for the warmest Jan, Feb and Winter on record,
followed by blizzards in March and April
Weston Coyney weather station 220 metres asl