Headlines being set up for "Siberian Blast" !
On 07/10/2013 15:31, Malcolm wrote:
In article , Dave Cornwell
Yahoo News keen to emphasise the warmth today.
"Warm Weather set to last a little longer" which to the informed is
fair enough,
"Ditch the jumpers and coats for a few more days - forecasters say the
warm weather is set to last a little longer across many parts of the UK.
Temperatures last week reached around 20C (68F), and the Met Office
has predicted the mercury will hit 19C (66.2F) today and tomorrow in
the south and east of England.
Northeast England can also expect maximum temperatures of around 19C,
while eastern Scotland is set to enjoy a pleasant 18C (64.4F)."
Knowing them and the Express you wonder if this gearing up for the
sucker punch headline.
"Siberian blast hits UK" on Thursday.!
Very probable, especially bearing in mind that the "blast" is coming
from the north, not from Siberia!
Do we ever really get a Siberian blast (other than in Daily Excess
headlines)? I know it's used as a description of cold windy weather, but
some people talk as if we actually get Siberian air over us, rather than
heavily modified continental air, which could have come from anywhere.
After all, Siberia is 2500 miles plus from us!