On Saturday, 19 October 2013 15:03:24 UTC+1, Paul Herber wrote:
On Sat, 19 Oct 2013 06:51:09 -0700 (PDT), Jim Cannon wrote:
On Saturday, October 19, 2013 10:55:48 AM UTC+1, JNF wrote:
Hi ,does anybody here subscribe to the New Scientist?I don't buy the
magazine but noticed in a supermarket that its front page of today's date
mentions a lost volcano set off a mediaeval ice age.
I'm someone who believes Nature will cull the world's excessive population
and depletion of finite resources through pandemics, super volcanic
eruptions,famines or whatever as there is unlikely to be agreement with
certain religions and cultures to follow the Chinese example of suppressing
population growth .
Allegedly we have global warming courtesy 7 billion people--would a
Yellowstone eruption or similar be a good thing and cause global cooling
with crop failures etc?Discuss.
Ta ever so.
My old gaffers forthcoming book is about this. Its roughly something between Intelligent Design and astrophysics. It promises to astound the scientific world, in the same way Hawking's 'Brief History of Time' did. WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I suspect your old guffer is more Erick von Daniken.
Regards, Paul Herber, Sandrila Ltd.
http://www.sandrila.co.uk/ twitter: @sandrilaLtd
Were ancient cowboys an alien race of insufferable upper middle class elitists eh?
Read Eric Von Daniken's new coral buster
Lariat of the Snobs