Does Paul Garvey still hang out here?
On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 4:12:00 PM UTC+1, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 15:04:14 UTC+1, Desperate Dan wrote:
That may be but posting it is very bad form, not cricket. It says a lot about you though!
Not cricket, eh? Dawlish has been bowling bouncers, bodyline and beamers and indulging in turbo-sledging from the moment he arrived here 5 years ago. He has not played by the rules, or at least the conventions and ettiquette, and gives the impression of thinking that he is above such things..
He won't suffer from the publication of his address etc (it's been done before here) but if he does then it bloody well serves him right. He has arrogantly abused this group and it is diminished as a result. I, for one, don't feel like posting nearly as much as I did.
If it's Open Season on Dawlish then I'll go along with that because bullies like him need confronting and given a dose of their own medicine. How ironic that someone in education should have a personality that brings out the worst in others because he does, doesn't he? Come on! :-) He ought to be ashamed of himself but the effect of all this will be the opposite such is his lack of self-awareness. It'll just feed his persecution or inferiority complex.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey
Hmmmmm. If a stalker wishes to publish completely public information about me to a public forum, with the intention of "outing" me with information that people already know about me, it is of little worry. I don't conceal that information, as I have no need to. The stalker does need to. The stalker lives in America. I know exactly where. I know the companies with whom he takes temporary contracts and I know the make of guitar he plays in his spare time and the far right-wing group with whom he associates himself. He has nothing to do with and he stalks me as he cannot stand me opposing his mad views on GW. I know; it's sad.
He has issued threats against me on numerous occasions on another newsgroup and his full details reside with my solicitor. There is no need to publish them here.
Please don't take him seriously and the silly vultures like Hughes who descend on the back of foul little people like this would be stupid to associate themselves with him and have made fools of themselves by doing so.
Enjoy the thread.