This group has now sunk too low - I'm out
On 23/10/2013 19:55, Graham P Davis wrote:
On Wed, 23 Oct 2013 19:49:06 +0100
Joe Egginton wrote:
On 23/10/2013 18:06, Col wrote:
"MartinR" wrote in message
After the latest posting of contributor's address (I don't care if
the address was genuine or not) this group is now totally scraping
the barrel.
Slightly surprised to see it was Joe Eggington, I know he's locked
horns with Dawlish before but he wouldn't have expected that.
I'm out to join the many others who have been forced out by the
The killfile is the only way. You can't reason with them, you can't
bargain with them and they absolutely will *not* stop until they
have destroyed this group. I don't know why I even bother to try to
be honest, perhaps it's just the sheer exasperation of seeing yet
another thread wrecked by what is just a very small group of people.
I'm totally exasperated with dullish and his arrogant rantings. If
posting his home address brings him to book, to behave civilised and
respect people then so be it. I thought it was time to name and shame
the bully.
So why don't you just kill-file him instead of making the situation
worse? That way you won't see his postings, rantings, whatever, and
he'll just wind up talking to himself.
It is not quite as simple as that since you will still see the replies
to the killfiled poster and hence the quoted text you were trying to
avoid if you read the replies. If you killfile the respondents then you
lose interesting/valuable contributions by those posters.
If there is a way of killfiling an individual and also filtering out
anything in response to that poster then that would be ideal, but I
don't know how to do that.