On 23/10/13 16:40, ron button wrote:
"MartinR" wrote in message
After the latest posting of contributor's address (I don't care if the
address was genuine or not) this group is now totally scraping the barrel.
I'm out to join the many others who have been forced out by the idiots.
Matin whlst I appreciate your sentiments and obviously concur with your
misgivings ,I think its worth pointing out that many groups like this are
populated by nutters ,misfits and probably perverts to boot ,most of us are
purely interested in the sublect of weather and glean a lot from the the
knowledgable contributions received daily.
I killfile or just ignore the rants of those who try to dominate these
hallowed halls, and try to just enjoy the really good stuff we get most of
the time, please keep contributing ,ignore the corrosive dross,and don't run
away like so many of our previous esteemed contributors. Don't let the
freaks take over !
Nil desperandum illigitimi desperandum, as they used to say in the RAF .
Ron, hear hear (or is it here here?)
Hugh Newbury