On Wednesday, 23 October 2013 18:14:09 UTC+1, Graham wrote:
According to the asylum that is the Daily Express, the "storm of the
century" is only a few days away -
Blimey few days a go it was going to be the Coldest & snowiest November on
record now it's going to me mild with rain, gales and storm of the century,
these people really do need to make up their minds
Why does anyone buy this garbage!!
I think in the days before the internet we absolutely starved of up to date weather info and any news item or snippet where a LRF was made was eagerly gobbled up. Why as a kid I even use to look at the monthly forecasts in old Moores almanac. On a daily basis besides the TV forecast and the newspapers that was it. I remember just pre internet days when weather companies gave their forecast for a high rate by telephone and even though I knew they were tripe I still wanted to hear of an imminent freezing spell.
Of course us lot that love weather are much moor informed and sophisticated and have been through this stuff on the internet so often with it being rubbish that we just ignore it-remember the Tom Presutti debacle over on The Weather Outlook, But we've all grown out of that now however the general public are not us and they still lap it up.