This group has now sunk too low - I'm out
On Sunday, 27 October 2013 22:02:16 UTC, Adam Lea wrote:
On 27/10/2013 10:23, Graham P Davis wrote:
On Sun, 27 Oct 2013 10:12:23 +0000
Adam Lea wrote:
I don't follow your argument at all here, it just reads like a
Careful! Use of 'non-sequitur' caused a flame war here about a decade
ago - at a time when all was sweetness and light in this group according
to those now looking backwards through high-strength rose-tinted
glasses. ;-)
AIUI things were better when we had very knowledgeable, highly respected
people Philip Eden and Will Hand posting (correct me if I am wrong). The
feeling I am getting from what people have posted on this group is that
things like trolling, personal attacks and petty bickering have all but
destroyed the group, hence I find it hard to understand an "anything
goes" philosophy when certain behaviour is deemed to be detrimental to
the group as a whole. Why not speak out at behaviour that is destructive?
I guess it comes down to whether you think the rights of the individual
trump the rights of the community as a whole, or vice versa.
The truth is Philip Eden left a very long time ago and Will far more recently and Will left because of Dawlish pure and simple. Some hint Philip left because of me but I wouldn't flatter myself so to believe that a great knowledgeable forecaster like Philip would go because of of some dunce like me. Come on I never had much to do with Philip, only when he emailed me a couple of time.