Historic Rainfall Records - London September 1980
In the the 24 hours up to 2100 on Sunday 21st September 1980, the rainfall was 54.9 mm at Fleet Hampshire. Rain arrived around 2000 on Saturday 20th and become 'very heavy with thunderstorm between 2200 and 2300'. Rain followed for the first part of the night.
Approximately 55.0 mm fell at Guildford, Surrey in the 24 hours up to 0900 21st.
Worthing recorded 94.5 mm, with apparent little flooding whereas nearby Brighton only received 8.5 mm which demonstrates the sudden cut off from the rain area.
There is an article in the WEATHER magazine from sometime in 1981 or 1982 which does a case study on the above event and also 14th April 1981 (Horsham deluge) and 2nd June 1981 (Worthing deluge).