On Thursday, 5 December 2013 11:42:18 UTC, Ken Cook wrote:
On Thursday, 5 December 2013 11:06:37 UTC, Andy M. wrote:
On Thursday, 5 December 2013 10:29:29 UTC, Ken Cook wrote:
Latest GDF
W 72G90KT
I remember going out to fix something in the dark, in cloud with a 60kn wind on GDF - it was interesting - nearly did not find my way back - that was the days of the old buildings before the radome was built. Great Days!
Hi, Andy,
Now I'm envious! I think it would be great to work there (for a while!) I go up there quite often, it's just 25 miles from Copley as the crow flies.
Seems to have peaked at W 81G98KT.
UMIST (as was) now University of Manchester had rooms up there for years firstly in the old building then in the new ones for the radome. I do not think they have much activity there these days - they had a great obs platform out to the west side built when the old one went with the new building work.