Very Balmy in Sydenham SE London
On Sunday, December 8, 2013 1:19:26 PM UTC, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
Well that old adage what h=goes up must come down see's the USA Midwest to west breaking all sorts of record here in a very small part of the world the UK its almost spring like. Which will be great for Dullish as he's doing an outdoor photo shoot for Calvin Klein's Christmas advertising campaign call "Even Santa's Little Helpers deserve to Look Sexy at least Once a Year." Ho ho ho People don't realise that Santa recruits Pixies and Elves from Devon. Anyhow back to Sydenham: Yes its so warm here that the Home Secretary has allowed the bulk of the population here in the Jewel of Lewisham to remove their ankle security bracelets!!!!!! Yes a spokes Person Clarettia has said that ankle tagging devices in such warm weather are a breach of human tights.
Balmy is also a word that should be BANNNED!!! IT. IS. MILD!!!