**Forecast: mild and high pressure blocking Atlantic troughs atT+240 on Thursday 12th December 2013**
On Thursday, 12 December 2013 19:06:38 UTC, Dawlish wrote:
On Monday, December 2, 2013 8:17:58 PM UTC, Dawlish wrote:
Not a great deal more to add. Hard to tell how far fronts will have pushed across the country, or where the precise century of the anticyclone will be in 10 days, but:
**On 12th Dec, at T240, the UK will be experiencing a mild airflow, as Atlantic troughs struggle to make progress across the UK, du to a blocking high over Europe/the Baltic. The NW is likely to be windier and wetter than the SE, but frosts will be virtually absent from any part of the UK. The SE may be experiencing some unusually mild weather for the second week in December.**
Peachy, for December in the SE, perhaps; then just enough time for a zonal flow to be established for a week, morphing into a freezing Arctic plunge which will lead to the widespread snow showers that aren't going to happen towards the end of this week. *))
PS The last part of the last sentence needs to be taken alongside some of the contents of a gritter.
Not a bad forecast from 10 days ago. The synoptics are as forecast, but it's the very end of the block, which Atlantic air will begin to shunt out of the way tomorrow, with a change to more mobile and wetter conditions coming. Mildness in the SE, but nothing exceptional, I know. Other areas of the UK are even milder. Frosts all but absent from the UK tonight.
See if my guess about developments, from 2nd Dec, comes true!
What do you mean "forecast", You just checked the model websites dozens of times a day and in between that looked at weather charts