[OBS] Romsey - Wednesday 18th December 2013
We might have received only 0.1mm of precipitation so far
today but it made for a wet late morning outing with the dog
when it fell as drizzle, being driven on by a moderate to fresh
breeze. Drizzle started at 1040Z with a few moderate bursts.
SYNOP 18/1150Z (current ob)
03/// 11357 82015 10103 20084 40107 57028 69911 75152 885//
333 81707 86710 88615 90710 91128=
EG// 181150Z 20015KT 7000 -DZ FEW007 BKN010 OVC015
10/08 Q//// REDZ GRN=
wind... SSW, force 4 (occasionally 5 in last hour).
visibility... 7km (down to 2500m locally at 1105Z).
weather... continuous drizzle, slight.
clouds... 1/8 St 700ft, 6/8 St 1000ft, 8/8 Sc 1500ft.
dry bulb... +10.3C.
dew point... +8.4C.
RH... 88%.
sea level pressure... 1010.7mb (falling).
rainfall last hour... 0.1mm.
6 hour rainfall (0600-1200Z)... 0.1mm.
beaufort letters (1050-1150Z)... cdo,cd,cdo,cd,cdo.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl