[OBS] Romsey - Wednesday 18th December 2013
Mostly dry during the rest of daylight hours but moderate rain
and drizzle set in at 1535Z, the drizzle element ceasing an hour
later. The rain became quite heavy between 1707Z and 1715Z.
A windy afternoon and early evening of beaufort 5 to 6, with
the highest gust of 39kt occurring at 1625Z. Up to this point
the wind and rain is entirely typical of our December weather,
therefore it's fairly interesting but nothing to get excited about.
SYNOP 18/1150Z
03/// 11357 82015 10103 20084 40107 57028 69911 75152 885//
333 81707 86710 88615 90710 91128=
SYNOP 18/1750Z (current ob)
03/// 11350 81719 10099 20089 49992 57062 60042 76365 8772/
333 10108 84707 87712 88540 91032 90710 91136=
EG// 181750Z 17019G32KT 5000 RA SCT007 BKN012
OVC040 10/09 Q//// RERA GRN=
wind... S by E, force 5 (touching 6 in last hour).
visibility... 5000m.
weather... continuous rain, moderate.
clouds... 4/8 St 700ft, 7/8 St 1200ft, 8/8 Ns 4000ft.
dry bulb... +9.9C.
dew point... +8.9C.
RH... 93%.
sea level pressure... 999.2mb (falling rapidly).
max temp today... +10.8C.
rainfall last hour... 2.7mm.
12 hour rainfall (0600-1800Z)... 4.2mm.
beaufort letters (1650-1750Z)... cr,cR,cr.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl