Mildest since 1988 and beyond
Hi, All,
With no really cold weather on the horizon, this is set to be the second mildest December, after 1988, since I began recording in these parts in 1970.
Mean screen so far is 5.3C which is 2.4C above normal. Since I began recording at my current Copley site in 1995 the mildest December up to this year was 4.2C in 2006. (I estimate 1988 in Copley would have been 5.5C using my record at nearby Low Etherley.)
Mild Decembers are invariably followed by mild winters on my record. It certainly makes a pleasant change from all the snow-shovelling and difficult travel conditions of recent winters.
Don't like the winds though, mean speed so far for this month is 13.2KT
Best wishes,
Copley, Teesdale