On Sunday, December 22, 2013 1:56:41 PM UTC, Graham Easterling wrote:
On Sunday, December 22, 2013 12:10:29 PM UTC, Alan White wrote:
On Sun, 22 Dec 2013 03:18:58 -0800 (PST), Ken Cook
With no really cold weather on the horizon,...
This is set to be our warmest December since moving here in August 2002..
Here are the current December temperature averages compared to the
twelve year averages:-
Dec 2013 Twelve Year Average
Mean Max 9.5 7.2
Mean 7.1 4.6
Mean Min 4.7 2.0
Highest Max 13.9 11.7
Highest Min 9.9 8.3
Lowest Max 3.4 1.4
Lowest Min 0.6 -3.3
Warmest Day 11.5 9.7
Coolest Day 1.8 -0.8
Interesting times.
Alan White
Mozilla Firefox and Forte Agent.
By Loch Long, twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, Scotland.
Webcam and weather:- http://windycroft.co.uk/weather
Anomaly not as large here Mean so far 9.0C (+1.2), but still the mildest December since 2007
Rogers page http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~brugge/anomt.jpg shows anomalies of +3 to +4C over a largish area of Scotland.
Still no severe gales or notably heavy rainfalls here this month, though that may be about to change. Strongest gust in Penzance 47mph, total rainfall 62.7mm, 45% of the December norm. But some really spectacular seas over the last 4 days, which have all seen swells 20' at Sevenstones. Superb wind/kite surfing conditions at Marazion this morning, I may upload some photos later.
Good news about the mildness, but there's certainly been some interesting weather here while I've been away in Yorkshire. My neighbour rang me on Thursday to say the gene had blown down in gales on Tuesday night. Also, some very mild weather in Pontefract while we were away. 13C yesterday. On the way back vis Cardiff, some excellent cb's, virga and optical effects. Nice! (except for having to repair the fence).