On Tuesday, 31 December 2013 11:59:15 UTC, Malcolm wrote:
In article , Jim
Cannon writes
This SUPERB offer closes on twelth night 5/6 Jan!!!!!!!!
Fulfill YOUR-WeatherAction New Year Resolution to Get Serious about
Weather in 2014.
12 month Subscription Jan-Dec 2014 for price of 8 months!
- ALL SERVICES! Dec 2013 access free inclusive
On goodwill voluntary condition (not enforceable) that you attempt to
get one more Subscription from someone else and/or tell one of your
weather sensitive service providers - Council, Railway, Energy
Company... that they need WeatherAction forecasts, Thank you
Just Go http://www.weatheraction.com/wactmember5.asp
From this ng's Charter:
Short (less than 20 lines, including heading) announcements of events
relevant to readers are permitted; blatant off-topic and commerical
advertising is not."
Dawlish....oops sorry Malcolm. Can you bring forward you post removal date by six days?
That would be very helpful.