WeatherAction Great New Year Offer
On Tuesday, 31 December 2013 22:46:25 UTC, Dawlish wrote:
On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 9:54:03 PM UTC, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Tuesday, 31 December 2013 21:19:04 UTC, Martin Brown wrote:
On 31/12/2013 11:24, Jim Cannon wrote:
This SUPERB offer closes on twelth night 5/6 Jan!!!!!!!!
Fulfill YOUR-WeatherAction New Year Resolution to Get Serious about Weather in 2014.
Roll up! Roll up! Get your weather charlatan forecast here...
12 month Subscription Jan-Dec 2014 for price of 8 months!
And not even worth a penny spent on it.
- ALL SERVICES! Dec 2013 access free inclusive
On goodwill voluntary condition (not enforceable) that you attempt to get one more Subscription from someone else and/or tell one of your weather sensitive service providers - Council, Railway, Energy Company... that they need WeatherAction forecasts, Thank you
They need a "Weather Action" forecast like they need a hole in the head.
Alternatively you could just donate the same fee to a *WORTHY* cause.
Martin Brown
BTW Your advert is far too long and against the charter!
What would that worthy cause be ?
English Defence league?
Heartland Institute?
You stupid thick little ruffled up nobody,
You know nothing about me you just make your dense mantra type assumptions.
If you really want to know give me a call
0208 402 7399