Just To Follow Up Jim Cannon's Post From the Other day About NewYears Honours and UKMO
On Friday, January 10, 2014 5:50:41 PM UTC, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
Okay just to clarify the facts. Our friend Jim felt that due to their AGW stance that Julia Sligo and John Hirst were named in the honours list. I agreed with him but facts have to back that up so I emailed UKMO and asked how many previous UKMO individuals had previously been awarded . The answer came back 15 in 20 years and that included the latest two so that leaves thirteen in 19 years and then two in the twentieth year. That tends to make me still agree with Jim.
Thanks for the support, Lawrence. Unlike you many on here cannot see the OBVIOUS and are happy to go along with the tripe our government puts out. Did you see the codswallop that PM Dave spouted today? Its obvious the AGW liars have now got him over a barrel with his pants down. We need a change of government. NOW