Interesting reading and yet another spanner in the works. I know many put a lot of faith in the solar activity and it'd effects on the weather, but as a weather forecasting tool I am a bit sceptical. However, from a climate point of view, given the sun is basically our engine, this does make me think.
What I do find amuzing is how we can move from one scenario to another one in a completely different direction, eg, AGW being a certainty to this suggesting a mini iceage in the century ahead. I still have that book upstairs "The Weather Machine and the threat of ice by Nigel Calder" published in 1974 ISBN 0 563 12646 9, I may give it another read as it may be coming back into fashion like much of my wardrobe LOL. Who knows it may be worth a fortune on ebay...
Again it appears to me that mother nature finds ways of balancing the books, maybe she should get a post in the treasurery :-)
Oh I do love this subject
Keith (Southend)
"Weather Home & Abroad"
twitter: @LawnscienceEssx